

Designer, Artist, Photographer 

I was raised in an old historic home in North Alabama. My early years were surrounded by art. My dad is an industrial designer, and I remember playing in his design studio. I would sit at his desk with his sketches, design tools, color wheel, art books, and old computers. My mother is also an artist, and I share her love of nature, history, traveling, culture, a great story and the artists, Matisse and Monet. Through each season of my life, she has been my encourager. Both of my parents provided many opportunities for my sister and I to experience art, music, and theater. The appreciation I have for design, craftsmanship, and southern hospitality has largely been inspired by my parents and grandparents, and I am so grateful for their influence. 

As a young girl, I took art lessons, and later carried my love and practice of art into high school and college. In 2006, I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts. My experience in visual arts includes painting, drawing, graphic design, photography, ceramics, interior design, marketing, and visual merchandising. 

I currently live in Orlando, Florida with my husband and two children. We love family time and traveling, and spend many of our free days at kid's sporting events, farmer’s markets, small town shops, and the beach. My husband is a pastor, and church planting has been a big part of our ministry life. We have also renovated two of our homes, and are working on updating our current home. 

As you browse through my site, you will see a mixture of older and newer artwork. Please send a message if you need help with a home or design project, or if you are interested in commissions, licensing or collabs. I offer e-design services and virtual consultations, and I would love to connect!